

Graph-based Analysis of Textured Images for Hierarchical Segmentation

13 years 12 months ago
Graph-based Analysis of Textured Images for Hierarchical Segmentation
The Texture Fragmentation and Reconstruction (TFR) algorithm has been recently introduced [9] to address the problem of image segmentation by textural properties, based on a suitable image description tool known as the Hierarchical Multiple Markov Chain (H-MMC) model. TFR provides a hierarchical set of nested segmentation maps by first identifying the elementary image patterns, and then merging them sequentially to identify complete textures at different scales of observation. In this work, we propose a major modification to the TFR by resorting to a graph based description of the image content and a graph clustering technique for the enhancement and extraction of image patterns. A procedure based on mathematical morphology will be introduced that allows for the construction of a color-wise image representation by means of multiple graph structures, along with a simple clustering technique aimed at cutting the graphs and correspondingly segment groups of connected components with a si...
Raffaele Gaetano, Giuseppe Scarpa, Tamás Sz
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where BMVC
Authors Raffaele Gaetano, Giuseppe Scarpa, Tamás Szirányi
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