

Graph-based foreground extraction in extended color space

13 years 10 months ago
Graph-based foreground extraction in extended color space
We propose a region-based method to extract semantic foreground regions from color video sequences with static backgrounds. First, we introduce a new distance measure for background subtraction which is robust against shadows. Then the foreground region is extracted with a graph-based region segmentation method considering background difference and spatial homogeneity. For efficient computation, the graph structure is optimized by the minimum spanning tree before segmentation. The main contribution is that the proposed algorithm improves on conventional approaches especially in strong shadow regions and does not require manual initialization. We have verified through experiments and comparison to state of the art methods that the proposed algorithm works well with various cameras and environment.
Hansung Kim, Adrian Hilton
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICIP
Authors Hansung Kim, Adrian Hilton
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