

Graph Database Indexing Using Structured Graph Decomposition

15 years 1 months ago
Graph Database Indexing Using Structured Graph Decomposition
We introduce a novel method of indexing graph databases in order to facilitate subgraph isomorphism and similarity queries. The index is comprised of two major data structures. The primary structure is a directed acyclic graph which contains a node for each of the unique, induced subgraphs of the database graphs. The secondary structure is a hash table which crossindexes each subgraph for fast isomorphic lookup. In order to create a hash key independent of isomorphism, we utilize a code-based canonical representation of adjacency matrices, which we have further refined to improve computation speed. We validate the concept by demonstrating its effectiveness in answering queries for two practical datasets. Our experiments show that for subgraph isomorphism queries, our method outperforms existing methods by more than an order of magnitude.
David W. Williams, Jun Huan, Wei Wang 0010
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICDE
Authors David W. Williams, Jun Huan, Wei Wang 0010
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