

Graph-shifts: Natural image labeling by dynamic hierarchical computing

15 years 5 months ago
Graph-shifts: Natural image labeling by dynamic hierarchical computing
In this paper, we present a new approach for image labeling based on the recently introduced graph-shifts algorithm. Graph-shifts is an energy minimization algorithm that does labeling by dynamically manipulating, or shifting, the parent-child relationships in a hierarchical decomposition of the image. Each shift optimally reduces the energy by indirectly causing a change to the labeling; graph-shifts is able to rapidly compute and select this optimal shift at every iteration. There are no constraints on the terms of the (pairwise) energy function. The algorithm was originally presented in the context of medical image labeling using conditional random field models. In this paper, we consider the algorithm in the context of both low- and highlevel natural image labeling. We show that for examples in both classes of problems, graph-shifts does labeling both accurately and rapidly. For low-level vision, we explore image restoration, and for high-level vision, we make use of a hybrid disc...
Jason J. Corso, Alan L. Yuille, Zhuowen Tu
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Jason J. Corso, Alan L. Yuille, Zhuowen Tu
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