

A graphical approach for modeling time-dependent behavior of DSLs

14 years 9 months ago
A graphical approach for modeling time-dependent behavior of DSLs
Domain specific languages (DSLs) play a cornerstone Model-Driven Software Development. The abstract syntax of a DSL is usually defined by a metamodel, while inplace model transformation rules provide an intuitive way to complement metamodels with their behavioral specifications. We propose a modeling notation that extends in-place rules with a quantitative model of time, and with mechanisms that allow designers to specify action-based properties, thus facilitating the design of real-time complex systems. We present a graphical modeling tool that we have built for visually specifying these timed behavioral specifications.
José Eduardo Rivera, Francisco Durán
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where VL
Authors José Eduardo Rivera, Francisco Durán, Antonio Vallecillo
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