

Grid knowledge discovery processes and an architecture for their composition

14 years 3 months ago
Grid knowledge discovery processes and an architecture for their composition
The Grid is the computing and data management infrastructure, which is transforming science, business, health and society. This paper deals with a challenging task addressing knowledge discovery in data repositories within the Grid. It gives an overview about the architecture of a novel Grid knowledge discovery system, the collaboration of the designed services and the concepts of controlling the whole knowledge discovery process by the deployment of a workflow component. KEY WORDS Grid, OGSA, Data Mining, Workflow, Job Control
Guenter Kickinger, Jürgen Hofer, Peter Brezan
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where PDCN
Authors Guenter Kickinger, Jürgen Hofer, Peter Brezany, A. Min Tjoa
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