

GridStix: Supporting Flood Prediction using Embedded Hardware and Next Generation Grid Middleware

14 years 7 months ago
GridStix: Supporting Flood Prediction using Embedded Hardware and Next Generation Grid Middleware
The cost of damage caused by flooding is directly related to the warning-time given before a flood occurs. Therefore, improving the coverage, accuracy and reliability of flood prediction systems is of great importance. This paper proposes a novel Grid-based approach to supporting flood prediction through the use of embedded sensor nodes equipped with wireless networking technology. These nodes implement a light-weight Grid capable of collecting and transmitting data gathered by flood sensors for off-site analysis. Additionally, the nodes are capable of performing basic on-site analysis that is used to inform system behavior. The proposed system utilizes Lancaster’s next-generation componentbased Grid middleware platform ‘GridKit’, which offers inherent support for reconfiguration, embedded devices and heterogeneous network technologies, making it ideally suited to this application.
Danny Hughes, Phil Greenwood, Geoff Coulson, Gordo
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Danny Hughes, Phil Greenwood, Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair
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