

GTPP: General Truncated Pyramid Peer-to-Peer Architecture over Structured DHT Networks

14 years 1 months ago
GTPP: General Truncated Pyramid Peer-to-Peer Architecture over Structured DHT Networks
— Hierarchical Distributed Hash Table (DHT) architectures have been among the most interesting research topics since the birth of flat DHT architecture. However, most of the previous work has merely focused on the two-tier hierarchy. In this paper, we study and analyze General Truncated Pyramid Peer-to-Peer (GTPP) architecture, the generalized version of Partially Vertical Hierarchical Architecture (PV-HA). The idea is to study whether added tiers of hierarchy can provide added value in performance and functionality. Through mathematical analysis, we demonstrate performance results in comparison to flat architecture, which helps understanding the typical characteristics of hierarchical architectures. Firstly, GTPP has slightly higher expected lookup hop count, although it can be decreased with optimizing the sub-overlay setup. However, GTPP significantly decreases the expected lookup routing latency. Secondly, GTPP has clearer and more reasonable traffic distribution among all the pe...
Zhonghong Ou, Erkki Harjula, Timo Koskela, Mika Yl
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Zhonghong Ou, Erkki Harjula, Timo Koskela, Mika Ylianttila
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