In this demo we introduce GuruMine, a pattern mining system for the discovery of leaders, i.e., influential users in social networks, and their tribes, i.e., a set of users usually influenced by the same leader over several actions. GuruMine is built upon a novel pattern mining framework for leaders discovery, that we introduced in [1]. In particular, we consider social networks where users perform actions. Actions may be as simple as tagging resources (urls) as in, rating songs as in Yahoo! Music, or movies as in Yahoo! Movies, or users buying gadgets such as cameras, handholds, etc. and blogging a review on the gadgets. The assumption is that actions performed by a user can be seen by their network friends. Users seeing their friends actions are sometimes tempted to perform those actions. On the basis of the propagation of such influence, in [1] we provided various notion of leaders and developed algorithms for their efficient discovery. GuruMine provides users with a fri...