

Habermasian Inquiring System: Toward a General Framework for Knowledge Management Research

14 years 6 months ago
Habermasian Inquiring System: Toward a General Framework for Knowledge Management Research
This study addresses a long-standing and wellrecognized problem in KM research, namely the lack of conceptual integration and a cumulative tradition. Knowledge management needs an overarching framework to unify and direct research. This paper reports on the development of such a framework. Elements of the proposed framework are created by synthesizing concepts from the systems thinking and critical thinking traditions. It is argued that the synthesis of aspects of Churchman’s inquiring systems and Habermas’ critical social theory provides a philosophically grounded, universally pragmatic framework useful in managing the complexity, and conceptualizing the richness, of knowledge phenomena. The key architectural element in this framework is Habermas’ knowledge interests. Habermas’ three knowledge interests (technical, practical and emancipatory) form a three-level integrating structure. Framework development consists of describing how four other design elements (Habermas’ thre...
Zining Guo, James Sheffield
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Zining Guo, James Sheffield
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