We developed generators that produce challenging MKP instances. Our approaches uses independently exponential distributions over a wide range to generate the constraint coefficients, and the corresponding average for each variable is used to calculate directly correlated coefficients in the objective function. RHS values are a percentage of the sum of constraint coefficients. We present a comparative table with the average performance of the most important generators reported in the literature and our generators over a wide range of parameters and instances in the OR Library. Key words: Multidimensional Knapsack Problem, Hard Problems Generation, Integer Programming. RESUMEN Desarrollamos generadores que producen alternativas que constituyen un reto para el MKP. Nuestro enfoque utiliza independientemente distribuciones exponenciales sobre una gama amplia para generar los coeficientes de las restricciones, y el promedio correspondiente para cada variable se usa para calcular directamen...
Maria A. Osorio, Germn Cuaya