

Hard-real-time scheduling of data-dependent tasks in embedded streaming applications

13 years 2 months ago
Hard-real-time scheduling of data-dependent tasks in embedded streaming applications
Most of the hard-real-time scheduling theory for multiprocessor systems assumes independent periodic or sporadic tasks. Such a simple task model is not directly applicable to modern embedded streaming applications. This is because a modern streaming application is typically modeled as a directed graph where nodes represent actors (i.e. tasks) and edges represent data-dependencies. The actors in such graphs have data-dependency constraints and do not necessarily conform to the periodic or sporadic task models. Therefore, in this paper we investigate the applicability of hardreal-time scheduling theory for periodic tasks to streaming applications modeled as acyclic Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) graphs. In such graphs, the actors are data-dependent, however, we analytically prove that they (i.e. the actors) can be scheduled as implicitdeadline periodic tasks. As a result, a variety of hard-real-time scheduling algorithms for periodic tasks can be applied to schedule such applications wit...
Mohamed Bamakhrama, Todor Stefanov
Added 20 Dec 2011
Updated 20 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Mohamed Bamakhrama, Todor Stefanov
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