

A Hardware Algorithm for Variable-Precision Logarithm

14 years 7 months ago
A Hardware Algorithm for Variable-Precision Logarithm
This paper presents an e cient hardware algorithm for variable-precision logarithm. The algorithm uses an iterative te chnique that employs table lookups and polynomial approximations. Compared to similar algorithms, it reduces the number of xed-precisionoperations by avoiding full precision computations and dynamically varying the precision of intermediate results. It also uses signi cantly smaller tables than related algorithms. For a speci ed hardware implementation, the algorithm requires fewer than2L2 xe d-precision multiplications to evaluate the logarithm to L words of precision. An error analysis for the algorithm is also presente d.
Javier Hormigo, Julio Villalba, Michael J. Schulte
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ASAP
Authors Javier Hormigo, Julio Villalba, Michael J. Schulte
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