

A Hardware Filesystem Implementation for High-Speed Secondary Storage

14 years 8 months ago
A Hardware Filesystem Implementation for High-Speed Secondary Storage
Platform FPGAs are capable of hosting entire Linuxbased systems including standard peripherals, integrated network interface cards and even disk controllers on a single chip. Filesystems, however, are typically implemented in software as part of the operating system. This presents a challenge as some applications are very sensitive to file I/O latency and Platform FPGA processor cores are clocked at relatively slow frequencies. This paper describes a design and implementation of a filesystem in hardware. A hardware implementation offers several features that have potential of improving certain classes of applications. The filesystem implemented is a simplified version of the well-known UNIX filesystem and specifically designed to handle a relatively low number of very large files. The design synthesizes but lacks a SATA host controller needed to test it. Instead, Modelsim was used to verify the functionality of four basic operations: open, read, write and remove. Synthesis resu...
Ashwin A. Mendon, Ron Sass
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ashwin A. Mendon, Ron Sass
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