

Hardware/software 2D-3D backprojection on a SoPC platform

14 years 6 months ago
Hardware/software 2D-3D backprojection on a SoPC platform
The reduction of image reconstruction time is needed to spread the use of PET for research and routine clinical practice. In this purpose, this article presents a hardware/software architecture for the acceleration of 3D backprojection based upon an efficient 2D backprojection. This architecture has been designed in order to provide a high level of parallelism thanks to an efficient management of the memory accesses which would have been otherwise strongly slowed by the external memory. The reconstruction system is embedded in a SoPC platform (System on Programmable Chip), the new generation of reconfigurable circuit. The originality of this architecture comes from the design of a 2D Adaptative and Predictive Cache (2D-AP Cache) which has proved to be an efficient way to overcome the memory access bottleneck. Thanks to a hierarchical use of this cache, several backprojection operators can run in parallel, accelerating in this manner noteworthy the reconstruction process. This 2D reco...
Nicolas Gac, Stéphane Mancini, Michel Desvi
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where SAC
Authors Nicolas Gac, Stéphane Mancini, Michel Desvignes
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