

Have2eat: a Restaurant Finder with Review Summarization for Mobile Phones

13 years 7 months ago
Have2eat: a Restaurant Finder with Review Summarization for Mobile Phones
Have2eat is a popular mobile application available for iPhone and Android-based devices that helps users to find and assess nearby restaurants. It lists restaurants located around the device and provides a quick highlight about the opinions expressed by online reviewers. Have2eat summarizes textual reviews by extracting relevant sentences and by automatically generating detailed ratings about specific aspects of the restaurant. A compact one-screen digest allows users to quickly access the information they need, expand to full review pages, and report their experience online by entering ratings and comments.
Giuseppe Fabbrizio, Narendra Gupta, Sveva Besana,
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Giuseppe Fabbrizio, Narendra Gupta, Sveva Besana, Premkumar Mani
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