

Head and Neck Cancer Metastasis Prediction via Artificial Neural Networks

14 years 7 months ago
Head and Neck Cancer Metastasis Prediction via Artificial Neural Networks
Cancers in head and neck tends to spread to nearby lymph nodes. Lymph nodes trap the spreading tumor cells but then the tumor starts to grow in these nodes and then spread further. Our project is aimed to (1) predict the secondary regions of lymph nodes where a given primary tumor can metastasize, and (2) to generalize a pattern for lymph nodes metastasis of head and neck cancer by using artificial neural networks (ANN). The raw data for the analysis is provided by Dr. Lincoln Gray, Acta Otolaryngologica 2000, of 130 cases of pathologically-positive oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) from UK. Seven primary sites for tumors are identified: 1) buccal mucosa, 2) tongue, 3) retromolar trigone, 4) floor of mouth, 5) ventral tongue, 6) oropharynx, 7) lower alveolus. Ten secondary regions of lymph nodes metastasis are observed: five regions each on the same/opposite side (ipsilateral/contralateral) as the primary tumor site. In our oral squamous cell carcinoma study using ANN, we explore dat...
Eveleen Darby, Tezeswari Nettimi, Shilpa Kodali, L
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CSB
Authors Eveleen Darby, Tezeswari Nettimi, Shilpa Kodali, Liwen Shih
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