

Heuristic molecular lipophilicity potential (HMLP): Lipophilicity and hydrophilicity of amino acid side chains

14 years 13 days ago
Heuristic molecular lipophilicity potential (HMLP): Lipophilicity and hydrophilicity of amino acid side chains
: Heuristic molecular lipophilicity potential (HMLP) is applied in the study of lipophilicity and hydrphilcity of 20 natural amino acids side chains. The HMLP parameters, surface area Si, lipophilic indices Li, and hydrophilic indices Hi of amino acid side chains are derived from lipophilicity potential L(r). The parameters are correlated with the experimental data of phase-transferring free energies of vapor-to-water, vapor-to-cyclohexane, vapor-to-octanol, cyclohexane-to-water, octanol-to-water, and cyclohexane-to-octanol through a linear free energy equation G
Qishi Du, Da-Peng Li, Wen-Zhang He, Kuo-Chen Chou
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JCC
Authors Qishi Du, Da-Peng Li, Wen-Zhang He, Kuo-Chen Chou
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