

Heuristics-based query optimisation for SPARQL

12 years 5 months ago
Heuristics-based query optimisation for SPARQL
Query optimization in RDF Stores is a challenging problem as SPARQL queries typically contain many more joins than equivalent relational plans, and hence lead to a large join order search space. In such cases, cost-based query optimization often is not possible. One practical reason for this is that statistics typically are missing in web scale setting such as the Linked Open Datasets (LOD). The more profound reason is that due to the absence of schematic structure in RDF, join-hit ratio estimation requires complicated forms of correlated join statistics; and currently there are no methods to identify the relevant correlations beforehand. For this reason, the use of good heuristics is essential in SPARQL query optimization, even in the case that are partially used with cost-based statistics (i.e., hybrid query optimization). In this paper we describe a set of useful heuristics for SPARQL query optimizers. We present these in the context of a new Heuristic SPARQL Planner (HSP) that is ...
Petros Tsialiamanis, Lefteris Sidirourgos, Irini F
Added 29 Sep 2012
Updated 29 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where EDBT
Authors Petros Tsialiamanis, Lefteris Sidirourgos, Irini Fundulaki, Vassilis Christophides, Peter A. Boncz
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