

Hierarchical geographic multicast routing for wireless sensor networks

14 years 1 months ago
Hierarchical geographic multicast routing for wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks comprise typically dense deployments of large networks of small wireless capable sensor devices. In such networks, multicast is a fundamental routing service for efficient data dissemination required for activities such as code updates, task assignment and targeted queries. In particular, efficient multicast for sensor networks is critical due to the limited energy availability in such networks. Multicast protocols that exploit location information available from GPS or localization algorithms are more efficient and robust than other stateful protocols as they avoid the difficulty of maintaining distributed state (multicast tree). Since localization is typically already required for sensing applications, this location information can simply be reused for optimizing multicast performance at no extra cost. Recently, two protocols were proposed to optimize two orthogonal aspects of locationbased multicast protocols: GMR (Sanchez et al. GMR: Geographic multicas...
Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Saumitra M. Das, Y. Charl
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Saumitra M. Das, Y. Charlie Hu, Ivan Stojmenovic
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