

A Hierarchical Graphical Model for Record Linkage

14 years 4 months ago
A Hierarchical Graphical Model for Record Linkage
The task of matching co-referent records is known among other names as record linkage. For large record-linkage problems, often there is little or no labeled data available, but unlabeled data shows a reasonably clear structure. For such problems, unsupervised or semi-supervised methods are preferable to supervised methods. In this paper, we describe a hierarchical graphical model framework for the record-linkage problem in an unsupervised setting. In addition to proposing new methods, we also cast existing unsupervised probabilistic record-linkage methods in this framework. Some of the techniques we propose to minimize overfitting in the above model are of interest in the general graphical model setting. We describe a method for incorporating monotonicity constraints in a graphical model. We also outline a bootstrapping approach of using "singlefield" classifiers to noisily label latent variables in a hierarchical model. Experimental results show that our proposed unsupervi...
Pradeep D. Ravikumar, William W. Cohen
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where UAI
Authors Pradeep D. Ravikumar, William W. Cohen
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