—In a multiuser MIMO broadcast channel, the rate performance is affected by the multiuser interference when the Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) is imperfect. To tackle the interference problem, a Rate-Splitting (RS) approach has been proposed recently, which splits one user’s message into a common and a private part, and superimposes the common message on top of the private messages. The common message is drawn from a public codebook and should be decoded by all users. In this paper, we propose a novel and general framework, denoted as Hierarchical Rate Splitting (HRS), that is particularly suited to FDD massive MIMO systems. HRS simultaneously transmits private messages intended to each user and two kinds of common messages that can be decoded by all users and by a subset of users, respectively. We analyse the asymptotic sum rate of HRS under imperfect CSIT. A closedform power allocation is derived which provides insights into the effects of system parameters. ...