

Hierarchical Statistical Learning of Generic Parts of Object Structure

15 years 4 months ago
Hierarchical Statistical Learning of Generic Parts of Object Structure
With the growing interest in object categorization various methods have emerged that perform well in this challenging task, yet are inherently limited to only a moderate number of object classes. In pursuit of a more general categorization system this paper proposes a way to overcome the computational complexity encompassing the enormous number of different object categories by exploiting the statistical properties of the highly structured visual world. Our approach proposes a hierarchical acquisition of generic parts of object structure, varying from simple to more complex ones, which stem from the favorable statistics of natural images. The parts recovered in the individual layers of the hierarchy can be used in a top-down manner resulting in a robust statistical engine that could be efficiently used within many of the current categorization systems. The proposed approach has been applied to large image datasets yielding important statistical insights into the generic parts of objec...
Sanja Fidler, Gregor Berginc, Ales Leonardis
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 28 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CVPR
Authors Sanja Fidler, Gregor Berginc, Ales Leonardis
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