

Hierarchical Streamline Bundles

12 years 5 months ago
Hierarchical Streamline Bundles
—Effective three-dimensional streamline placement and visualization plays an essential role in many science and engineering disciplines. The main challenge for effective streamline visualization lies in seed placement, i.e., where to drop seeds and how many seeds should be placed. Seeding too many or too few streamlines may not reveal flow features and patterns either because it easily leads to visual clutter in rendering or it conveys little information about the flow field. Not only does the number of streamlines placed matter, their spatial relationships also play a key role in understanding the flow field. Therefore, effective flow visualization requires the streamlines to be placed in the right place and in the right amount. This paper introduces hierarchical streamline bundles, a novel approach to simplifying and visualizing 3D flow fields defined on regular grids. By placing seeds and generating streamlines according to flow saliency, we produce a set of streamlines ...
Hongfeng Yu, Chaoli Wang, Ching-Kuang Shene, Jacqu
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where TVCG
Authors Hongfeng Yu, Chaoli Wang, Ching-Kuang Shene, Jacqueline H. Chen
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