

High-Accuracy Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition Using Mixture Tying and Consistency Modeling

14 years 1 months ago
High-Accuracy Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition Using Mixture Tying and Consistency Modeling
Improved acoustic modeling can significantly decrease the error rate in large-vocabulary speech recognition. Our approach to the problem is twofold. We first propose a scheme that optimizes the degree of mixture tying for a given amount of training data and computational resources. Experimental results on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Corpus show that this new form of output distribution achieves a 25% reduction in error rate over typical tiedmixture systems. We then show that an additional improvement can be achieved by modeling local time correlation with linear discriminant features.
Vassilios Digalakis, Hy Murveit
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Authors Vassilios Digalakis, Hy Murveit
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