

High-Level Interpretation in Virtual Environments

14 years 9 days ago
High-Level Interpretation in Virtual Environments
: As Virtual Environments applications become more complex, there is a need to interpret user interaction in terms of high-level concepts. In this paper, we investigate the relations between conceptual representations of actions and their physical simulation in virtual worlds. We have developed a model inspired from Natural Language Processing research in the linguistic interpretation of dynamic scenes. Our experiments are based on a real time animation software, which has been enhanced with a symbolic information processing layer, originally developed for NLP-based animation. We report the implementation of a high-level interpretation module that is able to recognise complex actions from low-level physical events in the virtual world and discuss its performance as well as directions for further developments.
Marc Cavazza, Ian Palmer
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where AAI
Authors Marc Cavazza, Ian Palmer
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