

A high-performance algorithm for calculating cyclotomic polynomials

13 years 10 months ago
A high-performance algorithm for calculating cyclotomic polynomials
The nth cyclotomic polynomial, n(z), is the monic polynomial whose (n) distinct roots are the nth primitive roots of unity. n(z) can be computed efficiently as a quotient of terms of the form (1 - zd ) by way of a method the authors call the Sparse Power Series algorithm. We improve on this algorithm in three steps, ultimately deriving a fast, recursive algorithm to calculate n(z). The new algorithm, which we have implemented in C, allows us to compute n(z) for n > 109 in less than one minute.
Andrew Arnold, Michael B. Monagan
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CAP
Authors Andrew Arnold, Michael B. Monagan
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