

A High Performance Application Representation for Reconfigurable Systems

14 years 4 months ago
A High Performance Application Representation for Reconfigurable Systems
Modern reconfigurable computing systems feature powerful hybrid architectures with multiple microprocessor cores, large reconfigurable logic arrays and distributed memory hierarchies. Mapping applications to these complex systems requires a representation that allows both hardware and software synthesis. Additionally, this representation must enable optimizations that exploit fine and coarse grained parallelism in order to effectively utilize the performance of the underlying reconfigurable architecture. Our work explores a representation based on the program dependence graph (PDG) incorporated with the static single-assignment (SSA) for synthesis to high performance reconfigurable devices. The PDG effectively describes control dependencies, while SSA yields precise data dependencies. When used together, these two representations provide a powerful, synthesizable form that exploits both fine and coarse grained parallelism. Compared to other commonly used representations for reconfigur...
Wenrui Gong, Gang Wang, Ryan Kastner
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ERSA
Authors Wenrui Gong, Gang Wang, Ryan Kastner
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