

High-SIR Transmission Capacity of Wireless Networks with General Fading and Node Distribution

13 years 12 months ago
High-SIR Transmission Capacity of Wireless Networks with General Fading and Node Distribution
In many wireless systems, interference is the main performance-limiting factor, and is primarily dictated by the locations of concurrent transmitters. In many earlier works, the locations of the transmitters is often modeled as a Poisson point process for analytical tractability. While analytically convenient, the PPP only accurately models networks whose nodes are placed independently and use ALOHA as the channel access protocol, which preserves the independence. Correlations between transmitter locations in non-Poisson networks, which model intelligent access protocols, makes the outage analysis extremely difficult. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and focus on an asymptotic regime where the density of interferers goes to 0. We prove for general node distributions and fading statistics that the success probability Ps 1 for 0, and provide values of and for a number of important special cases. We show that is lower bounded by 1 and upper bounded by a value that de...
Radha Krishna Ganti, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Martin Ha
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Radha Krishna Ganti, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Martin Haenggi
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