Higher Education Institutions are now spending a significant portion of their budget to implement and maintain modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions. ERP is a software solution that integrates information and business processes to enable information entered once into the system to be available across the information technology infrastructure. In this report, we provide our framework to implement a secure infrastructure for ERP systems which is scalable, robust, easy to maintain, and has the potential to save Higher Education institutions considerable amounts of money and manpower. We will be addressing cost-effective and efficient deployment of applications using Citrix MetaFrame and NFuse structure. Moreover, we will discuss the issues we had to address and the lessons we learned during and after the implementation phase. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.7. [Database Management]: Database Administration --Security, integrity, and protection; K.6.1 [Manage...
Kris T. Pegah, Mahmoud Pegah, Terry M. Dillow