

Hindi Compound Verbs and their Automatic Extraction

14 years 3 months ago
Hindi Compound Verbs and their Automatic Extraction
We analyse Hindi complex predicates and propose linguistic tests for their detection. This analysis enables us to identify a category of V+V complex predicates called lexical compound verbs (LCpdVs) which need to be stored in the dictionary. Based on the linguistic analysis, a simple automatic method has been devised for extracting LCpdVs from corpora. We achieve an accuracy of around 98% in this task. The LCpdVs thus extracted may be used to automatically augment lexical resources like wordnets, an otherwise time consuming and labourintensive process
Debasri Chakrabarti, Hemang Mandalia, Ritwik Priya
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Debasri Chakrabarti, Hemang Mandalia, Ritwik Priya, Vaijayanthi M. Sarma, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
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