HiperSense is a system for sensing and data visualization. Its sensing part is comprised of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network (WSN) as enabled by infrastructure support for hando and bridging. Hando support enables simple, densely deployed, low-complexity, ultra-compact wireless sensor nodes operating at non-trivial data rates to achieve mobility by connecting to dierent gateways automatically. Bridging between multiple WSN standards is achieved by creating virtual identities on the gateways. The gateways collect data over Fast Ethernet for data post-processing and visualization. Data visualization is done on HIPerWall, a 200-megapixel display wall consisting of 5 rows by 10 columns of 30-inch displays. Such a powerful system is designed to minimize complexity on the sensor nodes while retaining high
exibility and high scalability.
Pai H. Chou, Chong-Jing Chen, Stephen F. Jenks, Su