

Hivory: Range Queries on Hierarchical Voronoi Overlays

13 years 11 months ago
Hivory: Range Queries on Hierarchical Voronoi Overlays
Abstract—The problem of defining a support for multidimensional range queries on P2P overlays is currently an active field of research. Several approaches based on the extension of the basic functionalities offered by Distributed Hash Tables have been recently proposed. The main drawback of these approaches is that the locality required for the resolution of a range query cannot be guaranteed by uniform hashing. On the other way, locality preserving hashing functions do not guarantee a good level of load balancing. This paper presents Hivory, a P2P overlay based on a Voronoi tessellation defined by the objects published by peers. Each object is mapped to a site of the Voronoi tessellation and the corresponding Delaunay Triangulation defines the P2P overlay. A hierarchy of Voronoi diagrams is defined by exploiting clusters of objects paired with the same site of the Voronoi diagram. A new Voronoi diagram including the peers of the cluster is created so that the query resolution m...
Matteo Mordacchini, Laura Ricci, Luca Ferrucci, Mi
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where P2P
Authors Matteo Mordacchini, Laura Ricci, Luca Ferrucci, Michele Albano, Ranieri Baraglia
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