

HMM-Based Handwritten Amharic Word Recognition with Feature Concatenation

14 years 7 months ago
HMM-Based Handwritten Amharic Word Recognition with Feature Concatenation
Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia and uses Ethiopic script for writing. In this paper, we present writer-independent HMM-based Amharic word recognition for offline handwritten text. The underlying units of the recognition system are a set of primitive strokes whose combinations form handwritten Ethiopic characters. For each character, possibly occurring sequences of primitive strokes and their spatial relationships, collectively termed as primitive structural features, are stored as feature list. Hidden Markov models for Amharic words are trained with such sequences of structural features of characters constituting words. The recognition phase does not require segmentation of characters but only requires text line detection and extraction of structural features in each text line. Text lines and primitive structural features are extracted by making use of direction field tensor. The performance of the recognition system is tested by a database of unconstrained handwritten do...
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigün
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigün
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