

Homogeneous factorisations of Johnson graphs

15 years 5 days ago
Homogeneous factorisations of Johnson graphs
For a graph , subgroups M < G Aut(), and an edge partition E of , the pair (, E) is a (G, M)-homogeneous factorisation if M is vertex-transitive on and fixes setwise each part of E, while G permutes the parts of E transitively. A classification is given of all homogeneous factorisations of finite Johnson graphs. There are three infinite families and nine sporadic examples.
Maria Cristeta Cuaresma, Michael Giudici, Cheryl E
Added 25 Dec 2009
Updated 25 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DCC
Authors Maria Cristeta Cuaresma, Michael Giudici, Cheryl E. Praeger
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