

Homology Search with Fragmented Nucleic Acid Sequence Patterns

14 years 9 months ago
Homology Search with Fragmented Nucleic Acid Sequence Patterns
The comprehensive annotation of non-coding RNAs in newly sequenced genomes is still a largely unsolved problem because many functional RNAs exhibit not only poorly conserved sequences but also large variability in structure. In many cases, such as Y RNAs, vault RNAs, or telomerase RNAs, sequences differ by large insertions or deletions and have only a few small sequence patterns in common. Here we present fragrep2, a purely sequence-based approach to detect such patterns in complete genomes. A fragrep2 pattern consists of an ordered list of position-specific weight matrices (PWMs) describing short, approximately conserved sequence elements, that are separated by intervals of non-conserved regions of bounded length. The program uses a fractional programming approach to align the PWMs to genomic DNA in order to allow for a bounded number of insertions and deletions in the patterns. These patterns are then combined to significant combinations of PWMs. At this step, a subset of PWMs may...
Axel Mosig, Julian J.-L. Chen, Peter F. Stadler
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WABI
Authors Axel Mosig, Julian J.-L. Chen, Peter F. Stadler
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