

Horn Belief Change: A Contraction Core

14 years 4 months ago
Horn Belief Change: A Contraction Core
We show that Booth et al.'s Horn contraction based on infra-remainder sets corresponds exactly to kernel contraction for belief sets. This result is obtained via a detour through Horn contraction for belief bases, which supports the conjecture that Horn belief change is best viewed as a "hybrid" version of belief set change and belief base change. Moreover, the link with base contraction gives us a more elegant representation result for Horn contraction for belief sets in which a version of the Core-retainment postulate features.
Richard Booth, Thomas Meyer, Ivan José Varz
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ECAI
Authors Richard Booth, Thomas Meyer, Ivan José Varzinczak, Renata Wassermann
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