

Hough Transform for Region Extraction in Color Images

14 years 3 months ago
Hough Transform for Region Extraction in Color Images
This article aims to propose a method to use the idea of Hough Transform (HT) implemented in grey scale images to color images for region extraction. A region in an image is seen as a union of pixels on several line segments having the homogeneity property. A line segment in an image is seen as a collection of pixels having the property of straight line in Euclidean plane and possessing the same property. The property 'homogeneity' in a color image is based on the trace of the variance covariance matrix of the colors of the pixels on the straight line. As a possible application of the method, it is used to extract the homogeneous regions in the images taken from the Indian Remote Sensing Satellites.
Sarif Kumar Naik, C. A. Murthy
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Sarif Kumar Naik, C. A. Murthy
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