

How Does Resource Utilization Affect Fault Tolerance?

14 years 6 months ago
How Does Resource Utilization Affect Fault Tolerance?
Many fault-tolerant architectures are based on the single-fault assumption, hence accumulation of dormant faults represents a potential reliability hazard. Based on the example of the fail-silent “Time-Triggered Architecture” we study sources and effects of dormant faults. We identify software as being more prone to dormant faults than hardware. By means of modeling we reveal a high sensitivity of the MTTF to the existence of even a small amount of irregularly used resources. We propose on-line testing as a means of coping with dormant faults and sketch an appropriate test strategy.
Andreas Steininger, Christoph Scherrer
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where DFT
Authors Andreas Steininger, Christoph Scherrer
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