

How it feels, not just how it looks: when bodies interact with technology

14 years 7 months ago
How it feels, not just how it looks: when bodies interact with technology
This paper presents thoughts to extend our understanding of bodily aspects of technology interactions. The aim of the paper is to offer a way of looking at the role our kinaesthetic sense plays in human-computer interaction. We approach this issue by framing it around how our bodies establish relationships with things when interacting with technology. Five aspects of a conceptual tool, body-thing dialogue, potential for action, withinreach, out-of-reach and movement expression are introduced. We discuss the role this tool can play in our thinking about, further exploration and eventually our design for movement enabled technology interactions. The idea is that it can help us consider, not just how a design or a technology might look but also how it might feel to use. Author Keywords Body, Embodied, Interaction, Interaction design, Kinaesthetics, Movement ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2. [User Interfaces] Ergonomics, Interaction Styles, Theory and Methods, User-centered design.
Astrid Twenebowa Larssen, Toni Robertson, Jenny Ed
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Astrid Twenebowa Larssen, Toni Robertson, Jenny Edwards
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