

How to Pick the Right One: Investigating Tradeoffs among Female Mate Choice Strategies in Treefrogs

13 years 10 months ago
How to Pick the Right One: Investigating Tradeoffs among Female Mate Choice Strategies in Treefrogs
Two main theories of female mate choice, that females either pick the best from the n closest males (best-of-n) or the closest with some minimum quality (min-threshold), make different behavioral predictions in some cases, yet both are supported by biological data. We present a computational agent-based model that is well-suited for investigating the differences between the two strategies for the biological model organism Hyla versicolor (“gray treefrog”). We show, based on results from systematic simulation studies, that min-threshold overall is the dominant strategy, even though best-of-n has some areas in parameter space where it dominates min-threshold. Key words: female choice, mating strategies, agent-based modeling
Matthias Scheutz, Jack Harris, Sunny K. Boyd
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SAB
Authors Matthias Scheutz, Jack Harris, Sunny K. Boyd
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