

How Recent is a Web Document?

14 years 3 months ago
How Recent is a Web Document?
One of the most important aspects of a Web document is its up-to-dateness or recency. Up-to-dateness is particularly relevant to Web documents because they usually contain content origining from different sources and being refreshed at different dates. Whether a Web document is relevant for a reader depends on the history of its contents and so-called external factors, i.e., the up-to-dateness of semantically related documents. In this paper, we approach automatic management of up-to-dateness of Web documents that are managed by an XML-centric Web content management system. First, the freshness for a single document is computed, taking into account its change history. A document metric estimates the distance between different versions of a document. Second, up-to-dateness of a document is determined based on its own history and the historical evolutions of semantically related documents. Key words: Web site management, up-to-dateness, content management systems, document metric, seman...
Bo Hu, Florian Lauck, Jan Scheffczyk
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Bo Hu, Florian Lauck, Jan Scheffczyk
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