

How to Support Adaptive Mobile Applications

14 years 2 months ago
How to Support Adaptive Mobile Applications
The Mobile Agent (MA) paradigm seems to be a promising solution for the design and development of distributed value-added services. However, mobility has added complexity to the design of application and requires new programming methodologies to allow agents to adapt their migration strategies to the current context and to react to unforeseen events. In this paper, we present a policy-based approach to mobility that allows application designers to express and govern mobility decisions h level of abstraction and to dynamically change the allocation of agents across the network nodes without intervention on the agent code. Policies are exploited to mobility strategies and allow to abstract away the specification of migration choices from the component code. The paper proposes a layered policy-aware architecture for MAs that allows to adapt the mobility behavagents at different levels of abstraction depending on programmer expertise. Unskilled programmers can specify simply when and wher...
Antonio Corradi, Rebecca Montanari, Gianluca Tonti
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where WOA
Authors Antonio Corradi, Rebecca Montanari, Gianluca Tonti, Cesare Stefanelli
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