

How to Turn a GSM SIM into a Web Server

14 years 6 months ago
How to Turn a GSM SIM into a Web Server
: We describe the WebSIM, an approach that integrates GSM SIMs into the Internet. The underlying idea is to implement a Web Server inside a SIM, and to allow for transparent access to it from the Internet. The contribution of our approach is that a SIM, which is currently a security module (smart card) fitted in a GSM mobile phone, becomes also a personal security server in the Internet. Like any other server in the Internet, it speaks TCP/IP and processes HTTP requests, e.g. for accessing certain SIM services (e.g. authentication) via CGI scripts. The Internet connectivity of a SIM inside a mobile phone can be achieved by having a proxy host tunnel IP packets to the SIM over SMS. ,I ZH FRXOGQ W SUHGLFW WKH :HE ZKDW JRRG DUH ZH" Bob Lucky, Vice President Bellcore, 1995
Scott B. Guthery, Roger Kehr, Joachim Posegga
Added 02 Aug 2010
Updated 02 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Scott B. Guthery, Roger Kehr, Joachim Posegga
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