

HPJava: Programming Support for High-Performance Grid-Enabled Applications

14 years 1 months ago
HPJava: Programming Support for High-Performance Grid-Enabled Applications
The paper begins by considering what a Grid Computing Environment might be, why it is demanded, and how the authors’ HPspmd programming fits into this picture. We then review our HPJava environment1 as a contribution towards programming support for High-Performance GridEnabled Environments. Future grid computing systems will need to provide programming models. In a proper programming model for grid-enabled environments and applications, high performance on multi-processor systems is a critical issue. We describe the features of HPJava, including run-time communication library, compilation strategies, and optimization schemes. Through experiments, we compare HPJava programs against FORTRAN and ordinary Java programs. We aim to demonstrate that HPJava can be used “anywhere”—not only for high-performance parallel computing, but also for grid-enabled applications.
Han-Ku Lee, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Sang Bo
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Han-Ku Lee, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Sang Boem Lim
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