

HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage

14 years 5 months ago
HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage
This paper describes a wide-coverage Japanese grammar based on HPSG. The aim of this work is to see the coverage and accuracy attainable using an underspecified grammar. Underspecification, allowed in a typed feature structure formalism, enables us to write down a wide-coverage grammar concisely. The grammar we have implemented consists of only 6 ID schemata, 68 lexical entries (assigned to functional words), and 63 lexical entry templates (assigned to parts of speech (BOSs)). Furthermore. word-specific constraints such as subcategorization of verbs are not fixed in the grammar. However. this granllnar call generate parse trees for 87% of the 10000 sentences in the Japanese EDR corpus. The dependency accuracy is 78% when a parser uses the heuristic that every bunsetsu 1 is attached to the nearest possible one.
Yutaka Mitsuishi, Kentaro Torisawa, Jun-ichi Tsuji
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ACL
Authors Yutaka Mitsuishi, Kentaro Torisawa, Jun-ichi Tsujii
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