

HTTP redirection for replica catalogue lookups in data grids

14 years 2 days ago
HTTP redirection for replica catalogue lookups in data grids
1 Data distribution and replication in distributed systems require special purpose middleware tools for accessing replicated data. Data Grids, special forms of a systems distributed over wide-are networks, need to handle data management issues like distribution and replication of large amounts of data in the Tera- and Petabyte scale. Replica catalogues are used for cataloging and locating replicated files in distributed sites all around the globe. We present a novel and scalable approach for distributing a replica catalogue and resolving file location information by using HTTP redirection. HTTP redirection servers managing local file catalogues allow for greater flexibility and local file management autonomy whereas a global replica catalogue provides the necessary mapping of logical files to individual sites. By distributing the catalogues a site can autonomously move files for load balancing within a site without notifying a global replica catalogue. Our approach scales well to a lar...
Heinz Stockinger, Andrew Hanushevsky
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where SAC
Authors Heinz Stockinger, Andrew Hanushevsky
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