

A Human-Like Robot Torso ZAR5 with Fluidic Muscles: Toward a Common Platform for Embodied AI

14 years 6 months ago
A Human-Like Robot Torso ZAR5 with Fluidic Muscles: Toward a Common Platform for Embodied AI
"Without embodiment artificial intelligence is nothing." Algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence are mostly tested on a computer instead of testing on a real platform. Our anthropomorphic robot ZAR5 (in German ZweiArm-Roboter in the 5th version) is the first biologically inspired and completely artificial muscle driven robot torso that can be fully controlled by a data suit and two five finger data gloves. The underlying biological principles of sensor technology, signal processing, control architecture und actuator technology of our robot platform meet the requirements of biological based technical realization and support a distributed programming and control as well as an online self-adaptation and relearning processing. The following elaboration focuses on biological inspiration for the embodiment of artificial intelligence, gives a short insight into technical realisation of a humanoid robot, which is of high importance in this context, and accentuates highligh...
Ivo Boblan, Rudolf Bannasch, Andreas Schulz, Hartm
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AI50
Authors Ivo Boblan, Rudolf Bannasch, Andreas Schulz, Hartmut Schwenk
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