

A hybrid genetic algorithm for a variant of two-dimensional packing problem

14 years 7 months ago
A hybrid genetic algorithm for a variant of two-dimensional packing problem
A variant of two-dimensional packing problem was given in the GECCO’2008 competition. This paper describes the genetic algorithm that produced the best result and thus won the No. 1 prize. As the problem is naturally represented by a two-dimensional chromosome, two-dimensional crossovers are used to generate more diverse chromosomes and effectively maintain geographical linkage among genes. We developed a local search heuristic based on the breadth-first search algorithm; we describe how to implement the heuristic efficiently using problem-specific knowledge. The local search was combined with a steady-state genetic algorithm and the combination showed strong synergy. Categories and Subject Descriptors
Jin Kim, Byung Ro Moon
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jin Kim, Byung Ro Moon
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