

A Hybrid Image Quality Measure for Automatic Image Quality Assessment

14 years 8 months ago
A Hybrid Image Quality Measure for Automatic Image Quality Assessment
Abstract. Automatic image quality assessment has many diverse applications. Existing quality measures are not accurate representatives of the human perception. We present a hybrid image quality (HIQ) measure, which is a combination of four existing measures using an ‘n’ degree polynomial to accurately model the human image perception. First we undertook time consuming human experiments to subjectively evaluate a given set of training images, and resultantly formed a Human Perception Curve (HPC). Next we define a HIQ measure that closely follows the HPC using curve fitting techniques. The HIQ measure is then validated on a separate set of images by similar human subjective experiments and is compared to the HPC.The coefficients and degree of the polynomial are estimated using regression on training data obtained from human subjects. Validation of the resultant HIQ was performed on a separate validation data. Our results show that HIQ gives an RMS error of 5.1 compared to the best ...
Atif Bin Mansoor, Maaz Haider, Ajmal S. Mian, Shoa
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SCIA
Authors Atif Bin Mansoor, Maaz Haider, Ajmal S. Mian, Shoab A. Khan
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